Vision 2030 | 2: Political Pillar

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In the wise words of former President Daniel Moi “Siasa Mbaya, Maisha Mbaya” politics plays a critical role on an economy. Hence, it was critical to incorporate a framework for our politics.

The political pillar vision for 2030 is “a democratic political system that is issue-based, people-centred, result-oriented and accountable to the public”. An issue-based system is one in which political differences are about means to meet the widest public interest. “People-centred” goals refer to the system’s responsiveness to the needs and rights of citizens, whose participation in all public policies and resource allocation processes are both fully appreciated and facilitated. A result-oriented system is stable, predictable and whose performance is based on measurable outcomes. An accountable system is one that is open and transparent and one that permits the free flow of information. This vision is expected to guarantee Kenya’s attainment of the specific goals outlined under Vision 2030’s economic and social pillars

To meet objectives outlined in the economic and social pillars, Kenya’s national governance system is being transformed and reformed to acquire high-level executive capability consistent with a rapidly industrialising country. The country is adopting a democratic decentralisation process with substantial devolution in policy-making, public resource management, and revenue sharing through devolved funds. This has been achieved through the delivery of a new constitutional dispensation which came into effect in August 2010.

Transformation within Kenya’s political governance system under Vision 2030 is expected to take place across six strategic initiatives, whose overarching visions, goals and specific strategies for 2012 are as follows:

  • Rule of law
  • Electoral & political processes
  • Democracy and public service delivery
  • Transparency and accountability
  • Security, peacebuilding and conflict management

In this episode you will hear from Prof Gituro Wainaina who was one of the experts in the formulation of Vision 2030. Other voices include those of Kenyans who shared their views about the vision.

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